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Outrage II: Indulge the Other, Paper Mache, False Teeth, 44 x 22FailingFailing, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, 95 x 47Exodus, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, clay cows, variableExodus, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, clay cows, variableExodus, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, clay cows, variableExodus, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, clay cows, variableOutrage II: Indulge the Other, Paper Mache, False Teeth, 44 x 22Sprouting - Framed, paper mache, acrylic paint, 48 x 48 x 9Sprouting, mixed media: paper mache, acrylic paint, 12 x 18 x 9